Friday, October 24, 2008

Who can say, in all seriousness that they know good from bad?
Is it 'good' to be alive?

What absolute drivel runs through our minds on a day to day basis...

Geez, am I trying 'my best' to sound like Kevin Spacey's character in the movie 'Seven' or what?

The question is, "Is it good to be alive?"

Good Friday
c.1290, from good in sense of "holy" (e.g. the good book "the Bible," 1896), also, esp. of holy days or seasons observed by the church (c.1420); it was also applied to Christmas and Shrove Tuesday.

There's a twist on the question. Is it 'holy' to be alive?


Asylum Seeker said...

Is it good to be alive?

Not necessarily. Only people with the privilege of socioeconomic security, healthy relationships, physical health, and relative safety would really think that all life is good, due entirely from their own life being good. Life itself is neither good or bad, it is just a necessity for experiencing either the good or bad (defined entirely subjectively). Similarly, the only reason why death could be considered bad is because it prevents further experiences granted by life and because the dying process may be painful. But, factor in a grim prognosis and some anesthesia and suddenly death is a good thing: a premature escape from an onslaught of pain.

But, that's just my view on the matter.

Saint Brian the Godless said...

How can it be holy to be alive when there isn't any God, not even one? Just curious...

Saint Brian the Godless said...

If life is holy, I'm in a lot of trouble. Every morning when I rinse my mouth out with Scope I kill millions upon millions of bacteria. I'm a genocidal maniac, as it turns out.

Millions of lives snuffed out in their prime, every day. I make Stalin look like Mr. Rogers.

pboyfloyd said...

Yea Brian...

"The horror... the horror!"